GRAPE: Zibibbo 100%

ORIGINAL AREA: Western part of Sicily in the Alcamo area, Tenute Piraino.

CLASSIFICATION: IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) Terre Siciliane (Sicilian Territory).

SOIL: Medium-textured and rich soil, with a lot of nutritional elements and organic substance.

ALTITUDE: 250-300 metres above sea level.

VINEYARD: Counter-espalier with the Guyot pruning system.

CLIMATE: Mild and rainy winters, hot and windy summers.

GRAPE HARVEST: End of August beginning of September. Hand harvesting.

TYPE OF VINIFICATION : Destemming and soft pressing of the grapes, cryomaceration and fermentation at controlled temperature. Maturation in stainless steel tanks for 4 months, then bottling and commercialization.

ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS: Straw yellow with some green reflexes. The aromas are vivid, complex and of fine quality. Citrus scents with hints of peach, pineapple, pink grapefruit and floral hints of withered rose. Dry and very fresh flavour to the palate.

FOOD PAIRING: Perfect for aperitifs, shellfish starter, pasta with sea urchins and second course fish meals, also well with soft and hard medium-aged cheese.

TEMPERATURE: Serve at 8°-10° C.

ALCOHOL: 11,5% – 12,5% vol.